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Help us
set their
faith on fire!

Here are four easy ways you can help us today.

1. Pray with us

Join the alumni, staff, supporters and friends of the Truth & Beauty Project in our daily prayer by clicking here.

Temple Candles

2. Volunteer to mentor a young adult

After young adults attend a TBP Young Adult summer Immersion in Rome, they can't keep their excitement for the faith to themselves!  So, while in Rome, we work with them to develop ideas for how they can "pay it forward" and cotinue to spread, virtue, truth, and beauty when they get back home. 


You can support a TBP Fellow by giving 1 hour per month to offer on-line guidance and mentorship as he or she grows this project and works to spread virtue in a confused culture.


Here are some project examples: 

- plan a monthly get-together with friends on topics that touch on Truth and Beauty 

- design a lesson plan or lecture series on a theme of Truth and Beauty for a local school

- create a work of art or a series of art projects that demonstrate Truth and Beauty 

- put those awesome Rome photos to good use and offer to give a talk to your local parish about your Truth & Beauty Project Immersion in Rome

- create and share a video that celebrates Truth and Beauty

- write an article or blog about Truth and Beauty 

- teach others a skill you have that somehow augments Truth and Beauty

- create a social media campaign to share Truth and Beauty 

Online Meeting

3. Donate

Help us sustain this amazing program that is transforming faith and lives! Your gift can help a young adult have the chance to know his or her Christian identity and set their faith on fire.  Click here to give. 

Image by Clark Tibbs

4. Spread the Word!

1. Encourage friends and colleagues to create a Custom Immersion for their groups like professional associations, VIPs, staff, priests, families, friends, etc.

2. Tell those between 18 - 30 in your life about the TBP Young Adult Immersions  

3. Subscribe to The Scoop and share it with friends and family

Person smiling at phone
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