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Image by Weronika Romanowska

open new eyes to see

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How many hidden symbols can you find in The TBP Crest?  

A lot of love and through went into our crest and there's a lot of hidden meaning packed in there! Chances are, you probably won’t catch it all at first glance. So we thought we’d help you out.


The TBP Crest reveals the age-old mystery of sacred art: truths are both readily perceptible and hidden at the same time. That’s like the mystery of faith, where Eternal Truths are readily perceptible to those who have eyes to see, through God’s grace. An authentic encounter with these Truths is like feeling the singe of a Divine spark, which burns in the weary soul and can never be extinguished.


The meaning of the crest draws from the reservoir of sacred scripture that can be embedded in personal memory and imagination. The design demonstrates how we all can use creative talents to reveal Truths of God's loving revelation, which is made concrete through His Word made flesh.

Like the unquenchable flames of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is with us always as advocate, protector and helper.


The flame is shaped like a dove and within it is an image of the Basilica of St Peter, in whose shadow the Truth & Beauty Project exists.


"Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? Who can stand in His Holy place? The clean of hand and pure of heart"Ps 24:3-4


The footprint on the mountain speaks to our mission to uplift the culture through all things beautiful as in the words of Isaiah 52:7, "how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news..."


Christ is the keystone rejected by the builders. Beauty is a key for touching hearts, penetrating deeper than words ever could.

Within the image of the key is hidden a pearl. Like in Matthew 13:46, once we find the Truth, it's that pearl of great price, for which we are willing to give up everything.


The breastplate upon which the logo is built is inspired by Ephesians 6, signifying that our battles are not only against flesh and blood but also against evil spirits.

“Stand firm with the belt of truth... and put on the breastplate of righteousness...take up the shield of faith with which you could extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”


John 15 :1-5 says Christ is the vine and we are the branches, bearing fruit only through Him, with Him and in Him. 

We are God's vineyard that He nurtures, so that we may be fruitful and cultivate a rich vintage.


The grapes signify the blood of Christ while the wheat is His body. ​

"He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in Me and I in him." John 6:56


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