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FAQs for Mentors

Inspiring TBP Fellows to soar! 

Fists in Solidarity

TBP Mentorship in a nutshell

What is a FIAT? 


One of the elements of the TBP Immersion is that each participant creates a FIAT (it stands for Faithfulness In All Things). This is a personal project they design as a way to grow in and spread virtue when they get back home. It supports the participants in their continued life transformation, to create a spirit of service in their hearts, and to inject more virtue into the world. 


As in Luke 8:6-15, in the parable of the seeds and the sower, we don't want the good seeds that were sown during a TBP Immersion in Rome to be “choked by the anxieties and riches and pleasures of life,” but to be deeply rooted in rich soil and “bear fruit through perseverance” [100 fold!]. The FIAT is a way to continue the transformation and growth begun in Rome (1 Thess 4:1-2). 


Over the years, participants have created projects from small to grand scale!  

 You can read more about the FIAT mission here and see ideas of sample projects.


What is the goal of the mentorship program?  


The life and faith transformation of the Truth & Beauty Project doesn't stop when the Fellows leave Rome. In fact, that's only the beginning of a life-long process. So, to help the TBP Fellows along the path and to help them fulfill their FIAT and pay it forward, each participant is assigned a mentor. The role of the mentor is to guide, advise, and hold them accountable in implementing the FIAT and paying it forward. The mentor commits for one year and shares wisdom, ideas, and expertise, and, with the FIAT project as a concrete focus, guides the Fellow to be “faithful in all things.” 


How should the calls be coordinated? 


We recommend you arrange the monthly calls as much in advance as possible. For example, you might agree to meet “on the first Thursday of each month at 3 pm for the next year.” The goal is to create the most structured atmosphere for your Fellow to succeed. 


How can the call be facilitated? 

Ideally, we recommend video conferencing (e.g., Skype, Zoom, etc.) in order to see facial expressions and communicate better. Or, if that's not possible, to do a regular call. 


Who should set up the Zoom call? 


We recommend that you, the mentor, set up the Zoom link in advance and send it out to your Fellow. 


What will the very first call be like? 

This call will be an opportunity for you to get to know each other. It's a great chance for the Fellow to tell you about his or her experience of transformation and uplifting of the faith in Rome and how it led to the development of the FIAT project. From there, the Fellow can describe the project and take it from there. 


What can I expect from my Fellow before the call? 


A week before each call, the Fellow plans to:   

​1. send you a brief update on the progress of the FIAT 

2  send questions he or she'd like to discuss on the call 


What is the structure of a typical call? 


We suggest starting each call by calling the Holy Spirit down in prayer. After that, you can jump into addressing the Fellows' questions. 


What happens if I don't hear from my Fellow? ​


​We invite you to reach out to your Fellow directly and encourage him or her to set up the next meeting or send you an update. ​


​Do I have to limit the interaction to only 30 minutes per month? ​


​This is a guideline. Feel free to allow the mentorship relationship to evolve naturally.   â€‹


​What if I want to continue the mentorship relationship after a year? ​


​Feel free to​ do that. 

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