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Make Your Life a Masterpiece

Faith. Intentional Living. Leadership.

Encounter the Truth & Beauty of Faith at its roots in Rome.  Discover practical skills for integrating Faith into intentional Christian living. Embrace your Christian identity with a joy that leads others to Christ.​

Our week-long Immersions
are our Signature Services


Custom Immersions
for your Group

 for 6 - 20 people

You have a pilgrim spirit and have traveled far and wide. Now are you ready to go deep?  TBP will tailor an exclusive  experience in Rome to suit your group. 


Young Adult


for ages 18 - 30

Be transformed by this week-long masterclass of Christian living. Enjoy talks and walks through Rome with art, scripture and liturgy, spiritual guidance and life & leadership skills.

The Concept 

In the days of the Renaissance the greatest artists strove to rise to the level of "Master." 

First, they sought counsel from established Masters on how to create the best work possible. If it was accepted by the Guild of Masters, that work became known as their "masterpiece."  

With Rome as the living classroom, today you can learn to make your life a masterpiece, fitting to be presented to the Divine Master.

And, as more and more people transform their lives into masterpieces, they are transfiguring the world's culture through Christ's gentle, beautiful way. 

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