TBP St. Valentine
Marriage Immersions
A getaway to Rome with your spouse that will make you feel like newlyweds.
Finally! An experience that will rekindle your faith and allow you to revel in the beauty of married love. Join John & Ashley Noronha in Rome for this life-changing adventure.
This week-long spiritual experience touches the whole person
- mind, body, and soul.
February 6 - 12
February 10 - 16
Celebrate consummate Catholic culture.
An Immersion in
Truth & Beauty in Rome.
We invite you to a once-in-a-lifetime exclusive cultural experience, as we bring Catholic culture to life through curated Rome experiences, music, insightful and inspiring talks, and unique events.
Friday, Feb 17
5pm, Talk: Why does Catholic culture matter?*
Wine tasting*
A sacred music concert in a Roman basilica
Saturday, Feb 18
Mass at the tomb of St. Valentine
Dance lesson in preparation for the evening's events
8 pm, The Grand Carnival Ball at the Doria Pamphilij Palace
Sunday, Feb 19
Mass celebrated by a Cardinal
Exclusive tour of the Doria Pamphilij Palace with art scholar Massimiliano Floridi, husband of Princess Doria Pamphilij*
Monday, Feb 20
Open your eyes of beauty;
a 4-hour Scriptural exploration of the faith's roots and riches in Rome's hidden treasures.
Mass at the rooms of St. Bridget
Tuesday, Feb 21
How to live Catholic culture;
looking through the lens of St. Paul.
A 4-hour exploration of the meaning behind some of the most important places of Paul.
Mass at St. Paul's Outside the Walls
Closing dinner
Package = 1,550 Euro/ person**
** admission to the ball is a separate ticket
* inquire about attending single events
* cost does not include airfare or include hotel. Inquire about hotel packages.

Love in Rome
The week is imbued with guided experiences of the city, reflections, talks from local experts, great food, a sacred music concert, wine tasting, prayer time, Masses, and a St. Valentine Soiree.
Like those before you who’ve already been on our TBP Immersions, you will leave empowered and excited to bring more joy to your life and to your marriage.
Arrival Day
Reflection on Eternal Love
Welcome to Bella Roma dinner
Day 5
Morning experience - Living First Fruits
Reflection - What is love?
Sacred Music Concert
Day 2
Reflection - How to know God, yourself, and those you love
Experiencing love in sharing the Gospel - 3-hour Rome experience
Day 6
Mass at tomb of St. Valentine
Visit to Santa Prisca
Dance lesson
Lunch on your own
Dinner + St. Valentine Gala
Day 3
Talk - Thriving; building fruitful communication personally and professionally
Experiencing love in art - 3-hour Rome experience
Departure Day
Check out and departure*
Feel free to inquire about hotel rates for extending your stay in Rome or
to participate in the Sunday lunch
Day 4
Talk - Building a mission for marriage
Experiencing love in music - 3-hour Rome experience
Wine tasting
Sample Itinerary
Feb 6 - 12, 2023
Sample Itinerary
Feb 10 - 16, 2023
Arrival Day
Reflection - What is love?
Sacred Music Concert
Day 5
Morning experience - Living First Fruits
Reflection - What is love?
Sacred Music Concert
Day 2
Mass at tomb of St. Valentine
Visit to Santa Prisca
Dance lesson
Lunch on your own
Dinner + St. Valentine Gala
Day 6
Reflection - How to know God, yourself, and those you love
Experiencing love in sharing the Gospel - 3-hour Rome experience
Day 3
Talk - Thriving; building fruitful communication personally and professionally
Experiencing love in art - 3-hour Rome experience
Departure Day
Check out and departure*
Feel free to inquire about hotel rates for extending your stay in Rome
Day 4
Talk - Building a mission for marriage
Experiencing love in music - 3-hour Rome experience
Wine tasting

15 Years!
These events coincide with our 15th anniversary of marriage.
We invite you to come celebrate the gift of love with us in Rome!